Monday, November 10, 2014



That was the hashtag to an extremely fun night of reuniting with friends we haven’t seen in a couple of hours, or days, or weeks, or possibly even months.  Hopefully your time at Camp War Eagle did more than just give you a really great chaco tan and help you to realize that you may or may not want kids of your own anytime soon.  Hopefully you left the gates for the last time with a deeper relationship with Jesus, a new desire to serve Him, and some friends that have those similar desires. It’s natural to begin really thinking about all of the incredible things we have to be thankful for this time of year.  Each November, I notice many people writing things they are thankful for as their statuses.  Hopefully this year, as you reflect, you’ll find that some of the things you’re thankful for are because of the time you spent serving kids at camp.  I know I wouldn’t be the man, husband, or father I am today without working so many summers in an unairconditioned cabin with smelly 10-12 year old boys.  I loved going to the staff reunion every year when I was a counselor because I knew I was always going to see people I loved seeing and get to reconnect with people I hadn’t seen in a few weeks. It always had a similar feeling to coming home for Thanksgiving. There are lots of hugs and stories that start with, “Remember that time…”  
As staff were coming in to the Jones Center dressed in their “finest” attire it was fun to watch peoples’ faces light up when someone walked in.  The room was quickly filled with laughter and conversations and the smell of Bear’s delicious BBQ.  Dinner was had which was followed by the Night Show, of course.  The Ozone staff had a little surprise prepared for everyone, if you would like to see it more polished come to the Great Pretenders event on Tuesday, November 11th at the Jones Center.  They performed to the song, “Hot Cheetos and Takis.” I might say Harold or Joe stole the show, but it was incredible on all accounts.  We did announce that we are expanding Day Camp to Rogers next summer! We also talked about getting in your Returner Application!  If you haven’t done so already, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! 
After the Night Show everyone was split into dodgeball teams and the winning team walked away with some sick Tourney Champ shirts.  Baylea Cantrell dominated a fierce Just Dance competition to the song, #thatPower, of course.  Delicious cobbler and ice cream was served with coffee before we began my favorite thing from every special event ever, BINGO BINGO BINGO!  Winners were given a can of Surge and other random but awesome things.  Austin Schell walked away with his very own Vlaad hat to keep his brain from freezing this winter.   The night ended with a few laps around the ice rink.  If we were giving awards for Ice Skating, Jordan Lagree would win for his maximum effort to improve his skills on the ice in one night.   We also found out that Natalie Caron is basically Gracie Gold (US Olympic Figure Skater).

All in all it was a really fun night. It was great to see everyone who was able to make it; we wish everyone could’ve been there. We love you all.  Fill out those apps!  We want to see you in May 2015 for Pre-O and Orientation!  Search for the hashtag on Insta to see some hilarious moments from the night.


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