Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Test Yourself

Description:$_35.JPGLitmus Test Yourself:
Material Needed:  Litmus Paper (or little strips of paper) and a pen
Purpose:  A visual aid to show the testing of one’s service, passion, and work ethic in the faith. 
Object Lesson:
Litmus paper is chemically sensitive paper that indicates the acidity of a material or chemical called PH level.  Within 30 seconds of the litmus touching the paper the color will change and tell you what the chemical is.  It will either be an Acid, base, or neutral.   If the paper turns red when touched by the object or liquid, it is acidic. If the paper turns blue, the object or liquid is a base. The same way scripture tells us to test ourselves to make sure we are walking with the Lord and to what degree.  So here’s a little test to help challenge you to meet that challenge of walking and working for Jesus in the Ministry of life.
2 Corinthians 13:5
Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?

Galatians 6:4
Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else,

1 Thessalonians 2:4
On the contrary, we speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts.

Litmus Test:  With a mall piece paper that signifies litmus paper write down the number that best describes you most of the time if you honestly averaged and rated your life.  Remember your number is between you and Jesus.
1.      If you were to rate your fruitfulness in the faith? (1 being lacking and 10 being abundant)
2.      If you were to rate the effect of distractions on your life,  face-book, various sports, Espn, have on you (1 being extreme distractions and 10 being never?
3.      If you were to rate yourself on the giving of time scale  (1 being selfish, 10 being very giving)
4.      If you were to rate yourself on the giving of stuff scale  (1 being selfish, 10 being very giving)
5.      If you were to rate yourself on the passion scale  (1 being passive, 10 being pro- active)
6.      If you were to rate yourself on how much you talk verbally about Jesus ( 1 being low  and 10 being high)
7.      If you were to test how contagious your life was to other believers (1 being low and 10 being very high)
8.      If you look at the numbers on your paper do you really care to improve them?

All believers are a part of a Royal Priesthood (1 Peter 2:10).  But some are especially elevated to leadership in ministry, missions field, or Church.   We are called to give Maximum effort in the ministry and in life.  There will be times when we fall short and the test answers or our self -ratings will be lower.  But maximum effort is 10’s and we are called to strive for 10’s! 

To Think about moving forward:
·       The Ultimate question is if you don’t have all 8-10’s, is why? 
·       What do you need to do to confidently make your answers all 8-10’s?

Maybe all of us need to realize God takes hopelessly helplessly screwed up people to impact a hopelessly helplessly screwed up world.  But just contemplate how much more impactful your life can be when we remove more of our acidic self and let God transform us into what He wants us to be. 


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